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Kumaar Bagrodia, NeuroLeap chairs session at Global Peter Drucker forum, Vienna

Kumaar Bagrodia chaired a session at the Global Peter Drucker forum. Fantastic chats on the sidelines with speakers: Vint Cerf widely known as one of the ‘fathers of the internet’ and now chief internet evangelist at Google; Adam Cheyer, co-founded Siri and sold it to Apple; Dr. Tony Tan Keng Yam, former President of Singapore; Lisa Hershman from the US Department of Defense.

Kumaar Bagrodia, NeuroLeap chairs session at Global Peter Drucker forum, Vienna
Kumaar Bagrodia, NeuroLeap chairs session at Global Peter Drucker forum, Vienna

NeuroLeap Best Brain Map, Brain Mapping, Brain Computer Interface, Neuroscience, EEG, QEEG, Loreta, Depression, ADHD, Dyslexia, Insomnia, Anxiety, Autism, Migraine, Tinnitus, Mind, Brain, Mental Health, Mental Wellness, Emotion, Bipolar Disorder, BioFeedback, Neuro Feedback, BrainMap, Brain Mapping, NeuroFeedback

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